Roll With It

05/27/2011 at 9:45 am 84 comments

Good morning, it’s finally Friday!!! And not only is it Friday but it’s a long weekend (for most of you I hope!)

Plans for me include heading out to Key West for the weekend up until Monday. Sounds like a blast right? Eh here’s something you should know about me if you didn’t already. I am a creature of habit. Let me rephrase that: I hate change. I hate not being in control of what I eat, what time I eat, whether or not I can exercise. kinda thought this picture was appropriate) Smile

Although I never actually suffered from anorexia the mindset is there. A few blogs that have really hit home have been from Amanda, Jenny, and Megan all relating to intuitive eating. Just eat when you’re hungry and listen to your body…Sounds easy enough right? I can put down a good amount of food and you can all attest to that but I’m always mentally conscious of what I’m eating. To be disconnected from calorie content, ingredients, and macronutrients churns my stomach.

What possible damage can I do from 4 days of “regular” eating? None really…But I can’t relax, I just can’t go with the flow.

Oats for breakfast? No.

Sammich for lunch? No.

Chicken and veggies for dinner? No

Bowl of cottage cheese and pb for late night snackage? No

The whole weekend will consists of burgers, hot dogs, fried fish, rice, chips, soda, bacon, and junk food galore. It’s very overwhelming to me and I can feel my IBS just thinking about it. I like being in control of what I eat, take that away from me and I immediately picture a fat girl in my shoes. I wish I had friends that believed in the value of nutrient dense foods, I wish I had a gym buddy that loved to lift weights and could spot me. I don’t. I have myself and my equally health nut boyfriend. I’m glad he loves my bowl of oats because no one else would dare eat them.

I know this is a very touchy subject, I’m trying my best to feel comfortable in outside situations and to just eat like a “normal” person. The thing is, I don’t want to be normal. Normal = overweight. I’d rather be abnormal. A fit girl in an unhealthy society. It’s crazy to think that I’ll gain 5 lbs in 4 days but the mental anxiety takes over my body. I don’t do well with foreign foods. After a day of eating crap I crave veggies like a mad woman.

This is definitely out of my comfort zone but I’m going to do my best and just roll with it. Well ok no more rambling, I’ll leave you with some foodie pics Smile

Oatmeal Bake

Adapted from Ashley’s buckwheat bake

Guava pastries from my mommy’s birthday. Nom…

Another Fitnessista Breakfast Cookie

Ok friends now I need some serious advice,if you’ve been in my situation traveling with friends who didn’t support your lifestyle how did you deal with their way of eating?

See you all Monday night!!

Entry filed under: Banana, Breakfast, Chocolate, Health, Life, Oatmeal. Tags: , , , .

Fuddruckers WIAW! Memorial Weekend Fun

84 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Ari@ThE DiVa DiSh  |  05/27/2011 at 9:54 am

    I know exactly how u feel girl! Bring snacks!! Brin whatever ur wary desires! Even make breakfast cookies and put them in a fridge. People probably will make fun BuT u will feel so much better eating what u like. Don’t be afraid to be urself! 🙂 have fun though too!!!

  • 2. Shanna  |  05/27/2011 at 9:57 am

    Yes I have totally been there and I feel ya girl. I try to think of it all as reversible in a matter of days. Sure you may gain a few so ENJOY what you eat and then look forward to clean eating upon your return.

  • 3. lenniejane555  |  05/27/2011 at 10:05 am

    I offer to bring snacks, water or cook a couple of meals when I’m traveling with people who don’t usually eat the same way I do. I also always have an emergency kids clif bar z stash with me so if there aren’t healthy options for a snack, I eat one of those instead or a piece of fruit. Since it sounds like it’s a more laid back vacation, you could definitely bring a lot of your own snacks. Foods like candy, chips soda and fried foods really mess with my stomach now, and it would pretty much ruin my vacation if I ate like that the whole time because I wouldn’t feel well.

    As far as the fitness aspect, you could suggest after dinner walks or go for a quick run on the beach while everyone is tanning. That way you get your tan and your sweat on!

    Either way, I hope you have a great time! 😀

  • 4. Peanut Butter Bandit  |  05/27/2011 at 10:26 am

    To be honest my parents would take my side on the issue, because I am the EXACT same. So if we would be eating at someone’s house, or someone else is coming here, I would be allowed to bring/prepare my own food and eat it in front of them no questions asked.

    This is interesting because I’ll never understand why it ALWAYS goes in the direction of “make the healthy person suck it up and eat unhealthy food.” Uhh, no thanks. How about you put down those donuts and come try it out on my side of the bridge?


  • 5. Molly  |  05/27/2011 at 10:28 am

    Oh my goodness, have I been in your situation?! Let me tell ya, it’s scary to think about, but things always go much better than I anticipate. My friends know I am a healthy, so they don’t freak out anymore if I order the grilled fish and veggies or chicken salad at a restaurant. And they know I get a little bit antsy if I haven’t run in a couple days, so they don’t freak out if I take my iPhone out to use the GPS as my running guide.
    But, the main thing is, 4 days out of the year won’t effect how fit you are. If you gain 3 lbs. over that period, just know that it is your body’s reaction to eating more sodium and processed foods that usual. Drink lots of water and go back to your clean eating ways when you get back. If you eat 80% healthy at home, and 20% not so healthy, let these next four days be 60% healthy, 40% ice cream, fries, etc. Don’t let your friends pressure you into eating foods that will irritate your IBS. And lastly, HAVE FUN!

    • 6. Jenny  |  05/31/2011 at 1:16 pm

      Thanks for your advice 😀

  • 7. Alexandra  |  05/27/2011 at 10:37 am

    Whenever I know I’m going to get stuck in unhealthy food positions, I always try to pack some healthy goodies, like fruit, protein bars, carrots, and cereals. I’ve even been known to load up a mini cooler with cottage cheese, yogurt, and peanut butter! It takes some extra effort, but my stomach thinks it is so worth it 🙂 you can make it work, your a strong girl!!

  • 8. Amanda @ Running with Spoons  |  05/27/2011 at 10:42 am

    Hey girlie! Ahhh these situations are always kind of uncomfortable, which is sad because they shouldn’t be 😦 They should be fun! But I hear ya… it’s hard to be put out of your comfort zone. But just try and remember that a few days of eating differently will NOT make a difference in the long run. And do you really wanna look back in a few years and only be able to remember spending the whole weekend worrying about food instead of having a good time? Sometimes the only way to move past anxiety is to just face your fears. Megan said it best in one of her previous posts… you’ve just gotta do it.

    • 9. Jenny  |  05/31/2011 at 1:16 pm

      Glad I did it 😉

  • 10. emily (a nutritionist eats)  |  05/27/2011 at 10:46 am

    I hope you enjoy your weekend, it sounds like a lot of fun!
    I usually bring healthy snacks or side dishes (like veggies + dip or salads) to round out the meals that may not be what I’m used to. But I love cookout foods, etc. – I just like to make sure I’m still getting my veggies in!

  • 11. Tori (Fresh Fruition)  |  05/27/2011 at 10:53 am

    I just try and suggest healthy options and let it go a little bit for a while. If you expect them to bend a little towards your way of eating, you have to bend a little to accommodate them, too!

    I get nervous when I can’t feel confident in the food I’m eating, too.

  • 12. Heidi @ Food Doodles  |  05/27/2011 at 10:54 am

    Just have fun! You can bring snacks with you(trust me I’ve been there and been made fun of because it was different. At least your tummy will thank you) and make sure you drink lots of water, I find I get dehydrated fast when I don’t eat what I regularly eat.

  • 13. keepnthefaith  |  05/27/2011 at 10:55 am

    Totally feel you on this one girl! Mine is with everyone! My youth group, family and friends all eat so differently, so it can be a real struggle sometimes. I try to eat intuitively, but when I only get one serving of fruit a day it freaks me out!! All I can say is that its only one weekend, and you’ll get back to normal eating soon!!

  • 14. beyondbananas  |  05/27/2011 at 11:06 am

    Wow. i could have legitmately wrote this post. I am the same way.. but I can be even worse and try to avoid going places all together because of the anxiety that I get. it is all a part of myrecovery and I understand I can’t fix everything at once.. I am slowly trying to incorporate these things back into my life.. but in moderate amounts.
    A lot of people know my healthy habits and try to somewhat accomodate those who always eat healthy! Sometimes, I bring my own food too. I hate change. I love my routine. I love what I eat

    • 15. Jenny  |  05/31/2011 at 1:17 pm

      I love what I eat too 😀

  • 16. BrocStar  |  05/27/2011 at 11:17 am

    I usually eat a lot of salads!
    And you can always do yoga or other small scale moves in your room at night to sweat it out. I can’t eat intuitivly either, I always think about everything.

  • 17. Alaina Rose @ Sweetness Of Life  |  05/27/2011 at 11:25 am

    That’s definitely a tough situation and I’ve totally been there. Although, if I have “friends” who don’t accept and support my lifestyle, I might not hang out with them very much! I feel like your friends should try to support you in every way. But, when I do hang out with people who eat differently than I do, I try to suggest healthy options to them or just accept that I’m not going to eat like I normally do and try to just enjoy it. You’ll be ok! 🙂 Have a wonderful time!

    • 18. Jenny  |  05/31/2011 at 1:18 pm

      I love my friends but it does get really difficult!

  • 19. Lisa @ Healthy Diaries  |  05/27/2011 at 11:33 am

    I know exactly how you feel because I put in those situations often. I actually have a bachelorette party where there will be tons of food and dessert. Since it’s later at night, I’ll eat dinner at home with my hubby before. I’ll prob just pick a little bit at whatever is there, but I know someone will say something.

    My advice is to just eat what YOU want. Indulge a little and if there’s healthy options then load up on those!

    Hope that helps!

    • 20. Jenny  |  05/31/2011 at 1:18 pm

      Great advice Lisa 🙂

  • 21. Parita @ myinnershakti  |  05/27/2011 at 11:34 am

    I feel ya, Jenny! Most of my friends and family don’t understand my food choices. I usually start feeling anxious a few days before any trips/visits home. I agree with most of the others above me that bringing your own snacks is a good idea. I would also suggest creating your own healthy meals from whatever is available.

    And don’t worry, once you’re back to your routine, you’ll be fine. Just try to enjoy the weekend!! Have a great time!

  • 22. Lisa @ Healthy Diaries  |  05/27/2011 at 11:35 am

    I know exactly how you feel because I put in those situations often. I actually have a bachelorette party tonight where there will be tons of food and dessert. Since it’s later at night, I’ll eat dinner at home with my hubby before. I’ll prob just pick a little bit at whatever is there, but I know someone will say something.

    My advice is to just eat what YOU want. Indulge a little and if there’s healthy options then load up on those!

    Hope that helps!

  • 23. Jenny @ Fitness Health and Food  |  05/27/2011 at 11:41 am


    I can totally understand how you feel. I have long since recovered from my eating disorder but I do still have a hard time just going with the flow sometimes. I think it’s totally fine to bring some healthy foods along with you ex oats, fruit, snack bars etc. That way you can have some of the same healthy things you enjoy and then maybe lunch and dinner chose what you like from the spread.

    Even though the food may be different when I travel, I am usually able to get the same proportion of veggies, grains, protein, etc.

    I totally understand what you’re going through but I know you can do well and this is a great way to start working through this particular issue. I hope you have a wonderful time! 🙂

  • 24. Katie  |  05/27/2011 at 11:43 am

    Bring lots of snacks! I always do! Im going away this weekend too! I packed snacks first, still didnt pack clothes, lol! Just roll with it girl, I really am surprised your friends would not support your healthy eating habits though, that stinks! I have never been in that situation, I do what I want and dont care what someone thinks!

    Love you! Have fun in Key West!!!!

    • 25. Jenny  |  05/31/2011 at 1:20 pm

      Ha love that you don’t care!! ❤

  • 26. Kelsey @ Unmitigated Grub  |  05/27/2011 at 11:51 am

    I hear ya, travelling can be difficult. Definitely bring healthy snacks such as apples/bars/carrots/etc. and opt for healthy options whenever you get the chance! And remember that your weight will not change over the course of one weekend.

    and MOST IMPORTANTLY have fun!!!!

    and don’t worry–your blogger friends support your healthy ways! 🙂

    • 27. Jenny  |  05/31/2011 at 1:20 pm

      Glad I have all you guys!

  • 28. Three-Cookies  |  05/27/2011 at 12:04 pm

    If its a short trip like a few days, than I think unhealthy eating is not bad at all. If you start to enjoy it then its not good news. If you start to get sick of it or like it less than its good news!

  • 29. Kristen @ The Red Velvet Life  |  05/27/2011 at 12:06 pm

    Hey girl, I have definitely been in this situation many times! Plus, I kinda relate on a daily basis, because my hubby is still not the healthiest eater (i.e. he’s intuitive, but really doesn’t think about nutritional content like I do, so it can be hard).

    I like everyone’s suggestions about bringing snacks if you can. Do you like larabars? Also, I’m traveling right now, and while it’s hard to find healthy stuff, it can be found! I find that I always feel best if I start the day off right (i.e. the way I want to start it!) So maybe if you can find a Starbucks or Jamba Juice, they both have really yummy oat selections you can try. And with a little creativity, you can create your own special oatmeal. Won’t be as good as the stuff you make at home, but it’ll do, right?

    And like other people mention — just relax and have fun! It’s really not worth stressing over the weekend, even if you do eat a little unhealthier than usual. You’ll just come back home and probably crave veggies like never before, and there’s nothing wrong with that! 🙂

    • 30. Jenny  |  05/31/2011 at 1:21 pm

      I’m glad I brought Luna bars, definitely helped 🙂

  • 31. Sweet Cheeks  |  05/27/2011 at 12:19 pm

    Wow, lots of great advice on this post!! I totally relate. The majority of the people in my life don’t really give a crap about what they eat. It sucks when they make you feel “weird” for eating healthy or exercising but really they are probably just trying to make themselves feel better because they only wish they lived the way we do! The most important thing I’ve learned is to just be myself and do what I want/eat what I want…because I need to make MYSELF happy first and foremost!

  • 32. Gina  |  05/27/2011 at 12:20 pm

    Bring lots of snacks and seek out healthier options! Who cares what people think? But don’t stress girl!! Have a beautiful weekend in the Keys! Wish I could go to 🙂

    • 33. Jenny  |  05/31/2011 at 1:21 pm

      Wish you could be there too!!

  • 34. Colleen  |  05/27/2011 at 12:30 pm

    Oh, girl! We are one in the same! I know EXACTLY how you feel. This used to bother me much more than it does today, but the mindset is still there – and it will drive me nuts if I don’t smack it away every time it comes up in my mind. I realized there was a problem when I was considering not going away for a friend’s birthday weekend because of THE FOOD. Bar food. Alcohol. Cake. Snacks. No gym. I was panicked about it.

    Are you joking me?!? I realized I was being insane. I live a healthy lifestyle. I exercise. I am not overweight. A long weekend of bad food and alcohol will NOT change the way your body looks. Your IBS may act up, yes. But you will not be a fat girl on Tuesday. I promise. Please, please enjoy yourself this weekend! Don’t stress! xoxox

    • 35. Jenny  |  05/31/2011 at 1:22 pm

      Love you Colleen!

  • 36. sara @ the foodie diaries  |  05/27/2011 at 12:31 pm

    Ohhh you’re going to have SO much fun in the keys!! 🙂 I’ve never been in the situation you’ve been in, but my advice to you is don’t think about it. These four days will not affect your health or weight dramatically. Have fun with your friends! If they make you feel weird, just explain to them that you LIKE eating these foods like they LIKE eating hotdogs/hamburgers/etc. I hope you have a blast 🙂 xoxoxo

  • 37. Nicole, RD  |  05/27/2011 at 1:07 pm

    Bring snacks, have a plan, and stick to it! 🙂 You’ll be so glad that you did !

  • 38. Vivianne  |  05/27/2011 at 1:44 pm

    See if you can bring snacks. You can get through it. Just breathe! I am the same way, except my boyfriend isn’t even a health nut.

    A lot of my friends are becoming obsessed with losing weight… I just want them to be healthy with me, not carefully count every single calorie. :/

    You can do it, just try to enjoy yourself and relax. I’m sure you’ll continue to get more great suggestions!

  • 39. pumpedforpumpkin  |  05/27/2011 at 2:08 pm

    I completely know how you feel, My boyfriend is also a health nut which makes it easier when we go out and I also get the whole change thing. I HATE it. for the first time I’m finally changing my lunch and it’s really hard but it’s been so worth it. I’ve been ENJOYING my meals

    ask yourself “Will what I eat this weekend matter a month from now?” It’s what I’ve been doing for EVERY meal. It’s been helping me so much.

    it’s hard to just say relax go have fun because it’s still on your mind. but I’m sure there will be plenty of healthy options and lots of exercise involved (maybe lots of walking to places?!)

    enjoy this weekend and have fun! whoa sorry it was so long 🙂

    • 40. Jenny  |  05/31/2011 at 1:23 pm

      Great advice 😀

  • 41. allieksmith  |  05/27/2011 at 2:32 pm

    Aww I’m so sorry you feel nervous about going away and not being able to control some things. I would look at it as a chance to try new things and be open to change, you never know how much fun you could have!

  • 42. Picky Nicky  |  05/27/2011 at 2:39 pm

    Aw I know how you feel 😦 But don’t worry about it too much
    For one, there are plenty of people who LIVE off of junk food!
    And secondly, when you get home you’ll appreciate your food so much more 🙂

    • 43. Jenny  |  05/31/2011 at 1:23 pm

      Omg so happy to be home 😀

  • 44. Tessa @ Amazing Asset  |  05/27/2011 at 2:48 pm

    Oh boy I can completely understand what you are saying in this post! When I travel, even if it’s just for one night, I get so anxious about becoming hungry and feeling as though I have nothing to eat….or that I am willing to. I would suggest bringing snacks that you are comfortable eating, that’s what I always do! I usually have granola bars, pb/almond butter packets, instant oats (where you just pour hot water on), small bags of cereal that you like… things like that
    Try not to worry too much, and enjoy the company 🙂

  • 45. yourdailygrace  |  05/27/2011 at 2:52 pm

    As a vegetarian I am often in situation where I am eating a side salad and side dishes at restaurants that don’t offer any other healthy alternatives. Lucky for me that sounds like a great meal but I totally understand if it doesn’t for you:) I think your friends should respect your decision to be healthy and when you’re in groups do your best to make to pick the healthiest meal you can and splurge when you feel you should!

  • 46. chrysta  |  05/27/2011 at 3:03 pm

    hey girl! I hands down can relate to you…Its really tough. I have a vaca coming up and I know i wont have access to a gym or lots of healthy foods. SO you just do what you can. Im bringing alot of my own foods and plan on walking, swimming and all kinds of stuff. Its hard, but I try to remind myself that your body needs the breaks sometimes. If you commit to being healthy for life then a few days here and there arent gonna make a huge difference. You just have to look at the big picture. Its harder to do then say I know. But you will be just fine girl! You rock!!=)

    • 47. Jenny  |  05/31/2011 at 1:24 pm

      Thanks!! )

  • 48. Christina  |  05/27/2011 at 3:28 pm

    Have fun in Key West! My husband and I are headed down there in June! I can’t wait! 😀 Hopefully you can find a happy medium with your eating while you are on vacation. I have totally been there everytime we go on vacation or to visit my family. I know many people whose healthy eating habits stay at home while they are on vacation, not me though, I also feel like crap if I stray too far from my typical routine and food.

  • 49. Ellie@fitforthesoul  |  05/27/2011 at 4:16 pm

    Hey Jenny! I get what you’re saying in regards to being “alone” in liking healthier foods. there’s nothing wrong with that for sure! I think being out of our comfort zones in any aspect of life is a good thing–though not easy of course. When I know that all we’re going to eat is heavy foods (not good for my digestion), then I take a lot of snacks with me. Something that will help me to stay on schedule with eating, while not wanting to binge on the unhealthier stuff when I’m starving.

    I usually have something like apple, justin’s nut butter packets! (life savers–it’s a must haha), bananas, granola, healthier bars like larabars, purebars, etc….oh and lots of nuts! the options are endless Jen! But just a few days should be ok since you’re already very disciplined! I hope that you don’t feel stressed but that you can relax and be at peace while you’re away! ;D

    • 50. Jenny  |  05/31/2011 at 1:25 pm

      Thank you Ellie 😛

  • 51. Kaila @healthyhelperblog!  |  05/27/2011 at 4:31 pm

    Thank you for sharing this Jenny! I definitely know what ya mean! I always get a little anxiety (not just with food) when I am taken away from my normal routine. I struggle with change too and have a total type A personality sometimes. But I am really trying hard to not be so rigid and add a little spontaneity into my life. Its tough but so worth it! I would suggest bringing some healthy foods with you! Some snacks and non parishables so maybe you can make your own healthy meals and snacks sometimes, when you’re sick of all the junk food. But above all don’t let your anxiety interfere with the fun…that would be the worst! Try and have a great time… deserve it!

  • 52. Stefanie @TheNewHealthy  |  05/27/2011 at 4:57 pm

    I totally know how you feel! For me, my friends know how I eat and so they expect some weird requests from me at restaurants! Enjoy Key West girl!!! ❤

  • 53. Mariah@Apples"N"Oats  |  05/27/2011 at 5:16 pm

    ugh I know how you feel!I get so anxious when I am going somewhere that I won’t be able to control what I eat. Plus, I miss my morning oats, peanut flour desserts, and veggies. Since you will be in a house there, I would definitely bring snacks and maybe go shopping for some food when you get tehre. If they are good friends then they will understand your preferences and accept them.

  • 54. Mariah@Apples"N"Oats  |  05/27/2011 at 5:17 pm

    oh and I forgot to wish you luck!!and have fun love hopefully the storms stay away from you:)

    • 55. Jenny  |  05/31/2011 at 1:26 pm

      Thanks Mariah! 😀

  • 56. Serena  |  05/27/2011 at 5:20 pm

    I so know what you mean! I hate not having control of what Ieat like in airports and such, so I bring some snacks that I know won’t hurt me. But it’s okay to splurge a little every now and then, don’t worry about it. Good luck there and hopefully they’ll have some healthier dishes for you to eat 🙂

  • 57. eatinglikeahorse  |  05/27/2011 at 6:20 pm

    I’m exactly the same – the prospect of this would stress me out!
    I’m sure there will be healthier options and if your friends know about the IBS could you just explain that the healthier options make you feel better?

  • 58. tickledtofu  |  05/27/2011 at 6:36 pm

    There’s no reason you need to give into the way the others are eating, be confident in your healthy lifestyle and try your best to stay calm. Bring along a some veggies, oatmeal, bake some healthy snack bars, whatever you’ll need to tide you over. Have a good time and don’t let your friends get you down!

  • 59. Jessica @ Stylish Stealthy and Healthy  |  05/27/2011 at 6:52 pm

    I am the exact same way. I get such anxiety about going on vacation, holiday weekends or even event like weddings because I know I will be eating and drinking the whole time and assume I’ll “ruin” any hard work I’ve put in up to that point. But what I try to do is remind myself you only get one life and sometimes you need to let go of the obsessions and just enjoy it. Great post 🙂

  • 60. thequirkykitchen  |  05/27/2011 at 7:00 pm

    Just be proud of who you are girl and do yo thang!! 🙂 Take healthy snacks and before buying/ordering food just ask yourself what the healthiest options are that meet your tastes. If i’m anxious, I just check in with myself and make sure that I order something that I know I’ll feel happy about afterwards. Or, alternatively, just choose what jumps out at you in the knowledge that you don’t have to eat every single thing on your plate. And most of all…..have fun!!! 🙂

  • 61. Justeen @ Blissful Baking  |  05/27/2011 at 7:25 pm

    I totally know how you are feeling – I hate not being in control of what I eat!! I know it’ll be hard, but remember that it’s just 4 days, and just try to enjoy it! And sneak in some veggies if you can 🙂

  • 62. BrittFit  |  05/27/2011 at 10:42 pm

    Let them know what you put in your belly will have no impact on what they choose to put in theirs. simple as that!

    • 63. Jenny  |  05/31/2011 at 1:27 pm

      Haha love it!!

  • 64. Laura @ S2theT  |  05/28/2011 at 12:42 am

    I know exactly how you feel. Stick to your guns, allow treats when you reallllly want them, and don’t let any good-natured ribbing/pressure get you down. Know that you’ll feel better in the end if you take care of YOU! Have a great weekend!

  • 65. Kate (What Kate is Cooking)  |  05/28/2011 at 1:01 am

    Girl, I know where you’re coming from! I gain weight super fast, especially because I go crazy when I’m on vacation sometimes.

    I hate eating around my friends because they always act personally offended if I don’t want to eat what they eat. It drives me crazy!

    • 66. Jenny  |  05/31/2011 at 1:27 pm

      Mine too!! 😦

  • 67. Anna  |  05/28/2011 at 4:07 am

    Ugh, I hate situations like this too. Especially when I feel like I SHOULD be enjoying myself, but I’d really be so much happier eating a tofu scramble on rye bread, haha. All I can say is, only you can decide when and what you eat, so don’t let people pressure you into eating things you don’t want when you’re not hungry – it’s absolutely your call. BUT, if you do want something, and you are hungry? ENJOY IT! Don’t sweat it; it’s four days. And if you eat mindfully and are conscious of it, you’re not gonna eat “too much” or do yourself any “damage”, promise. x

  • 68. Emma (Sweet Tooth Runner)  |  05/28/2011 at 5:51 am

    I know what you mean, but just try to chill and enjoy it girl! And what I usually do is bring something that doesn’t SEEM healthy (like CCK cookies or something!) but actually is and then other people can enjoy it too! 😀

  • 69. Rach @ This Italian Family  |  05/28/2011 at 8:45 am

    People don’t like it when you eat differently than they do because they assume that your choice not to eat something reflects on their choice TO eat it. Like, since you forgo the french fries, they assume that you are judging them for eating the fries even if you’re not. People want status quo and when someone messes it up, it makes people uncomfortable.

    For me, it’s been a bit easier because I can’t have sugar/caffeine for my heart. So people are often taken aback when I turn down dessert, but as soon as I explain that it’s a heart issue they calm down and carry on. I’ve discovered the same is true with anything. Now that my body is having trouble digesting dairy, I order things minus the cheese which gets weird reactions, but again when I explain that it’s a health issue, people let it go.

    In the end, I think it’s great t have a weekend where you just roll with it and eat w/e, but I would never encourage you to eat something that you know you don’t want and will make you feel ill later. 🙂

    I hope all this makes sense. I know it’s a lot

    • 70. Jenny  |  05/31/2011 at 1:28 pm

      Great advice 🙂

  • 71. Mary @ Bites and Bliss  |  05/28/2011 at 12:30 pm

    I’m the same way, I have a pretty set meal plan and what not..things I know that’ll keep me full and have enough carbs, protein and all when eating with friends for a week or so, it’s hard. I remember being nervous when spending the week with my boyfriend’s family that I wouldn’t be able to eat enough since I eat every 2 hours and they’re the type to eat 3 meals and not really snack. But I rolled with it, ate what they ate while still trying to stick to my usual diet as much as possible. Luckily my boyfriend’s a total snacker, we’d raid the kitchen together when we got hungry. It was fun doing so in the middle fo the night while the house house was asleep- haha!

  • 72. Brittany  |  05/28/2011 at 12:33 pm

    I have this exact same problem, in fact just yesterday I went out to lunch for the first time in weeks. I was scared to go, but needed to step out there and just do it. I picked a veggie sandwich and it happened to come with a salad. The portions were HUGE which freaked me out a bit, but I listened to my body and ate until I was full. There are options out there that can be “healthier” than what your friends are eating, but still allow you to engage in the setting of restaurants. Easier said than done I know, but you already have the right idea..”listen to your body” is the key. Plus you might find some new food you like! Switching up your daily diet helps to keep your metabolism high..eating the same foods everyday allows your body to become accustom to those foods and in turn it doesn’t need as much energy to break down the nutrients! Just try to have fun and enjoy your weekend! =)

  • 73. Tara  |  05/28/2011 at 10:36 pm

    I am totally the same way, and I have been working on trying to be more intuitive and go with the flow. I’ve been so much better at it since I really committed. But I still carry around snacks and stuff for when it gets overwhelming and ignore people that are critical of it. I try to balance things I usually like with some splurges that aren’t a part of my usual diet, which is a lot easier than trying to go without that balance. I feel a lot more comfortable knowing that I don’t have to eat crap if that’s all that is there!

  • 74. moveovercelery  |  05/29/2011 at 9:11 am

    No worries, I think all health junkies are the same way and have definitely been in the same position before! I usually bring a bag of apples and some of my favorite health bars along to snack on in lieu of other things that people might go for!

  • 75. Susan  |  05/29/2011 at 7:59 pm

    Just started reading your blog and I SO agree with you!! I hate being around tons of food that I wouldn’t normally eat.. and I also hate saying ‘no’ when offered it because I feel rude. :/

    • 76. Jenny  |  05/31/2011 at 1:30 pm

      Glad to have a new reader 😉

  • 77. Chelsea @ One Healthy Munchkin  |  05/29/2011 at 8:55 pm

    I totally know how you feel Jenny! I hate not being able to eat what I want to eat when I’m on a trip. But I try not to let stressing about food get in the way of having fun! I usually just bring my own snacks like bars, apples, and chopped veggies so that I get in at least a bit of healthy food. And I try to balance out my restaurant meals – like I’ll order a greasy burger, but have a salad on the side.

    Have fun girly! 🙂

  • 78. Jenny  |  05/29/2011 at 9:01 pm

    wonderful post, girl!! I know how difficult “normal” eating can be (though it seems to come so naturally to some.. why do we complicate things so much for ourselves?!) and I know my telling you that absolutely NOTHING will happen to you or your weight over the course of 4 days, the truth of the matter is, the only way you’ll truly be able to believe that is to PROVE IT TO YOURSELF!!! It will definitely be uncomfortable at first but I guarantee, you will feel so much better after the fact and seeing that you CAN survive days of eating outside of your comfort zone and only be happier and healthier (mentally!) for it! I know you can overcome this challenge, Jenny, and I can’t wait to hear all about it!


    • 79. Jenny  |  05/31/2011 at 1:30 pm

      Your advice made my day, love you!! 😀

  • 80. IHeartVegetables  |  05/30/2011 at 12:11 am

    Haha I’m a little late on giving tips! But it’s funny because I’m in the same situation this weekend! I did try to pack some healthy foods, but I’ve done a terirble job at actually eating them! My veggie intake was SERIOUS lacking this weekend!

  • 81. Sophia @ Raven Waves  |  05/30/2011 at 8:54 am

    Ugh, I’m sorry that you’re going through that. My best advice is to bring snacks, or find restaurants that have lots of healthy options. I hope everything worked out for you!

  • 82. Sara @ Nourish and Flourish  |  05/31/2011 at 12:25 am

    Oh my goodness, Jenny, I completely relate to everything you said in this post. Like you, I’m uncomfortable when I don’t get to choose what I’m eating…Junk food doesn’t jive well with my tummy, and I don’t feel well when I eat it! When I travel, I always have snacks on hand (those freeze-dried fruit and veggies are wonderful!), so that I can squeeze in a serving or two of healthy food when it’s not available. That said, I’ve finally reached a point where I’m able to truly enjoy the not-so-healthy stuff. Our bodies are so forgiving, so a couple of days of “splurge” eating isn’t going to change anything! It’s all about patterns over long periods of time. And as we all know, you’re one healthy chick!

    Hope you enjoyed your weekend in sunny Key West (healthy food or not)! 🙂 xoxo

  • 83. Jemma @ Celery and Cupcakes  |  05/31/2011 at 10:21 am

    I really have to try one of those breakfast cookies. They look amazing! I think the best thing is to take lots of healthy snacks when you are travelling and plan a head to locate healthy restaurants and check out their menus too. I’m sure you will overcome this challenge just fine though!

    • 84. Jenny  |  05/31/2011 at 1:31 pm

      You will love the breakki cookie 😛


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