Posts tagged ‘Oatmeal’

A Quick Hello And WIAW

So I am officially the worst blogger ever, and I am soooo sorry!! My life has been consumed by pharmacology, physiology, and anatomy. I did not know I would be signing my life away when I got into PA school. Even weekends are made for studying.

If there’s one thing I really missed was all the WIAW fun. I needed to do one for old time’s sake

Peas and Crayons

Link up with Jenn over at Peas and Crayons and post all your yummy treats!

First I’ll start with my favorite meal of the day [BREAKFAST!]

I know it looks odd, but bear with me here… It is chocolate oats covered with protein frosting. Every time  I saw it on Katie’s blog I wanted to try it! It is delicious and a great way to get in protein while still having oats. I previously tried mixing the protein powder into the oats but I didn’t like the taste.


I think it speaks for itself  Surprised smile Delicious down to the last bite!

And for dinner, my favorite!


There’s just something magical about sushi, I could probably eat it everyday if I had the chance 

And I have to throw in a pic of Mac because he is just way too cute!

What a creeper cat…..

Hope everyone has been having a great day, I miss you all!! Gotta get back to studying Smile

10/12/2011 at 7:57 pm 35 comments

Life As A PA Student

Happy Friday friends!

I have been going crazy with school and it’s only week 3!! I’ve already had 4 exams and the weeks keep getting more and more overwhelming.

There have been moments when I’m just a whiner and want to quit altogether but I need to just pull myself together and suck it up for the next 28 months. I definitely took my 8 months of vacation for granted.

So what have I been up to lately?

A lot of this:

Some of this:

And everything in between.

What have I been eating?

Oatmeal for breakki

  Chocolate, banana oats with granola and peanut butter

Lots of sammies for lunch, granola bars for snacks, and chicken with canned veggies for dinner.  I have replaced my water supply with some good old coffee [kidding!] Well sorta…

And I have some news that I have yet to share with you all….My boyfriend got a new kitty!!! We named him Macintosh because well I’m an Apple girl now Winking smile

Aww isn’t he adorable?! I love playing with him.

My little baby!!

As for my workouts, I’m still doing my weight training 3x a week with cardio about twice a week. I am really enjoying New Rules of Lifting For Women. I feel a lot stronger than I did when I just started the program. I’m midway through phase 1 so it’ll be fun to switch it up later with phase 2. School does put some strain on me in regards to working out and cutting into my study time, but I think it’s important to have some sort of balance and fuel my body in order to work the mind.

Do you have any pets?  Mac is such a little creeper, it cracks me up

09/16/2011 at 11:20 am 57 comments

10 Exercise Myths

Happy Saturday loves!!! Sorry I’ve been away but I’m back. Hope you didn’t miss me too much Winking smile

I came across this article that was tweeted and figured it would be good to talk about.

CNN.COM has composed a list of exercise myths that have come apparent due to people wanting to maximize their results at the gym while minimizing the amount of time spent.

10) Your cardio machine is counting the calories you’re burning.

It isn’t accurate and doesn’t mean squat. Since it doesn’t ask for your body composition, the numbers the machine spits out should not be accounted for.

9) Women shouldn’t lift weights because it’ll make them bulky.

I’ve already said this once before but women don’t turn into bodybuilders over night. It takes a lot of muscle overload to bulk up. Since women have large amounts of estrogen they won’t build muscle as fast as men do. Strength training helps decrease body fat and keeps you lean, so lift girls lift!

8 ) Heart rate monitors will let you know how hard you’re working.

Your own body is the only test of how hard you are working. Know your body’s signals and use that as your point of reference.

7) Your weight is the end all, be all.

Health isn’t determined by your weight, there are many other factors involved in a healthy lifestyle. Don’t only rely on the number your scale spits out, but on other numbers such as cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

6) Low-intensity exercise burns more fat.

Low intensity cardio is good to relieve stress on the joints, but the more intensely you exercise the more carbs you burn. When all carbs are used up, then your body will start to burn fat.

5) Chug a protein shake after workout.

Although a protein shake is good for emergencies it is the lowest quality of food. Eat real foods that are not so processed.

4) You can spot reduce for tight abs or toned arms.

You need to get rid of the fat before you can see the muscle, so train your entire body not just one area.

3) As long as I go to the gym 30-45 minutes, that gives me a pass to do what I want for rest of the day.

You can’t believe how many times I’ve heard the reasoning behind a work out. “If I run on the treadmill I can eat a cheeseburger with a milkshake, after all they cancel each other out right?”  You need a good diet to get the most out of your workouts.

2) No pain, no gain.

Discomfort during a workout is acceptable, pain is not. If you ever feel intense pain you should immediately stop whatever is it that you’re doing. This makes you more at risk for an injury or wearing the muscles out.

1) Stretching will help prevent injuries.

There is a difference between stretching and warming up. You should warm up to help loosen the muscle but stretching can be counterproductive.

“A study published this month in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise found that static stretches that last longer than a minute could be detrimental to performance.”

Well there you have it!! Hope you are all having a great weekend as I enjoy this great breakfast Winking smile

Chocolate banana oats topped with granola and cinnamon raisin peanut butter. Nom!!!

Did you use to believe any of these exercise myths?

06/25/2011 at 12:17 pm 68 comments

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